Montridge Advisory Group Ltd.

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Damien Lacey

Marketing Communications & Events

Health & Wellness

Check Out These Lesser-Known Ways to Stay Safe in the Sun

By Damien Lacey on June 27, 2024

As temperatures rise, so does the amount of time we spend under the sun. Read on to discover a list of lesser-known ways you can maintain sun safety all summer long and reduce your chance...

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Health & Wellness

Navigating Flu Season in Hybrid Workplaces

By Damien Lacey on November 7, 2023

We welcome the arrival of fall and the not-so-welcome flu season. The way we work has transformed recently with the rise of hybrid workplaces where employees split their time between office...

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Health & Wellness

Embracing the Fall: How Autumn Affects Productivity in Your Company

By Damien Lacey on October 17, 2023

As the vibrancy of summer gives way to the crisp, golden brown landscapes of autumn, a subtle transformation takes place not only out there in nature but also within our workplaces.

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Health & Wellness

Helping Your Younger Staff Thrive: Strategies for Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace

By Damien Lacey on May 16, 2023

As HR managers and decision-makers, it's important that you recognize mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being for all of your employees but especially those in their 20s and...

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Health & Wellness

How to Make the Most of Your Fitness Journey

By Damien Lacey on January 10, 2023

As another year begins, many of us have the thought that we want to get into great physical shape. This can be daunting, but don't worry we are here to help you if you are not exactly sure...

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Montridge Advisory Group: A Year in Review

By Damien Lacey on December 13, 2022

What a year it has been for Montridge Advisory Group!It was a year of challenges, industry pivots, and successful business moves. We have summarized the past year below, highlighting key...

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Health & Wellness

5 Tips for Transitioning from Summer to Fall

By Damien Lacey on August 30, 2022

As the summer season comes to an end, employees are shifting their focus from vacation mode to return to office. The transition from summer to fall can be hard on employees' mental health...

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Health & Wellness

10 Unique Canadian Destinations to Visit this Summer

By Damien Lacey on July 5, 2022

The past two summers have been shrouded by COVID restrictions, cancelled events, and travel limitations. While most international travel has opened up to pre-pandemic levels, delayed...

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6 Sweet treats for Passover, Easter, and Vaisakhi

By Damien Lacey on March 30, 2021

Due to social distancing requirements, many of us are unable to have our traditional springtime family celebrations this year.

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Health & Wellness

Staycation: How to Vacation in and around Vancouver

By Damien Lacey on July 21, 2020

For many of your employees, the thought of taking a vacation right now seems like a fantasy. With the US borders closed and Europe requiring a 7-day quarantine period upon arrival, there...

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