Health & Wellness

5 Tips for Transitioning from Summer to Fall

By Damien Lacey on August, 30 2022
5 minute read

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Damien Lacey

Marketing Communications & Events

As the summer season comes to an end, employees are shifting their focus from vacation mode to return to office.

The transition from summer to fall can be hard on employees' mental health as they buckle down and set new goals for the working year ahead. We all associate seasons with different feelings or memories, and it is important to embrace the fall season with mindfulness and purpose.

Read on to discover our top 5 tips on how you can embrace the changing seasons, and help your employees do the same.

Set new goals in the changing season

1. Set New Goals 

It is important to set new goals as the season changes to motivate you to mindfully embrace positive change. Challenge yourself to set up events such as fall shopping, family gatherings, and new exercise endeavours to have something to look forward to in the near future. When you know exactly what you are looking forward to it is easier to stay positive and motivated transitioning into a new season. Setting up workplace events such as lunch and learns, company volunteer days, or team initiatives can also be a great way to increase employee engagement and build a more social workplace.

Bonus idea: set goals with friends or coworkers and hold each other accountable. A study by the Association for Training and Development showed the enormous effect of the power of accountability in social situations. If you make a conscious decision that you want to achieve something and then tell someone, this increases your chances of success by 10-25%. Having a clear plan of how you’re going to achieve it increases your chances even further, to 50%.

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2. Get More Sleep

We’ve all heard the popular saying “sleep on it” when you need to make a major decision or feel out of focus. Lack of sleep affects your mental health, physical health and even impacts your cognitive development. Not only is not getting enough sleep extremely bad for your health, but it also affects an employee’s performance at work. 

As the weather starts to turn colder and it gets dark out sooner, it is natural to feel a little sluggish. The best way to combat this is to listen to your body and get more sleep. Challenge yourself to make a conscious effort to go to bed earlier and track your sleeping schedule. There are many apps to help you track your sleep as well– apps such as Sleep Cycle, Aura, and Slumber One are all tools that can help you get more sleep. Consider sharing these tools with your employees or looking into the already existing resources within your benefits plan.

3. Nourish Your Body With Seasonal Foods 

With all of the buzz around pumpkin spice lattes, freshly baked goodies and decadent family meals in the fall, it’s easy to forget that there are nourishing vegetables in season to sustain your body. Vegetables such as beets, broccoli, and squash all provide essential nutrients to keep your energy up during the darker days. Consider introducing trips to the seasonal farmers market or a fresh local subscription box into your fall regime. 

To see the full list of fruits and vegetables in season during the fall, click here.

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4. Embrace the Downtime of the Quieter Season

One of the hardest things about making the transition from summer to fall is embracing the change of pace. Long summer nights out with friends and family and impromptu weekend getaways are replaced by dark nights in and binge watching Netflix. 

As cliche as it sounds, slowing down once in a while is sometimes the best way to relax and reflect. Learn to embrace the quiet nights and emptier calendar. Taking the time to slow down also opens up space to focus on things such as budgeting, wellness, and time management. Who knows, you might grow to like it better than a jam packed schedule. As an employer, encourage your employees to create a healthy work-life balance and take time to unplug during the evenings so they can bring their full selves into the workplace. 

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5. Remember to Move Your Body 

Our last tip might seem obvious but it is an important reminder. As the days get shorter it can become easier to fall into habits that are hard to break. Challenge yourself to find new ways to move your body such as joining a yoga class, taking up hiking, or even mixing up your workout regime. 

Exercise is a natural and effective way to ease anxiety and improve your mental health. A recent study done by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found that exercising for 15 minutes a day or walking for an hour reduces the risk of major depression by 26%. Encourage your employees or coworkers to continue to exercise into the fall season, and share credible resources like this blog within your organization to inspire your team. 

Final Thoughts 

Although the transition from summer to fall may seem daunting, it is a time for both employees and employers to implement new routines and set new goals. Following these 5 insightful tips will help you change your mindset and start fresh this fall season. 

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