Health & Wellness

Loneliness and Health: How to Build a More Social Workplace

By Preet Pall on July, 19 2022
6 minute read

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Everyone knows that we can prevent cardiovascular disease by eating well, quitting smoking, and exercising regularly. But another major factor in heart health is often overlooked: the quality of our social relationships.

The cost of loneliness for business and long term effects of social isolation

Social relationships play a major role in an employee’s life. Friendships, romantic relationships and even the relationships we hold with our colleagues have the power to greatly influence our day, which in turn affects an employee’s overall productivity.

 The Swedish Survey of Living Conditions, which surveyed more than 17,000 people, found that those with the fewest social contacts had a 50 percent higher risk for dying of cardiovascular disease. As businesses begin to navigate the world of working from home post-pandemic, challenges arise when it comes to employee isolation and loneliness. Socially isolated people are lonely—and loneliness increases stress, which can lead to  hypertension, chronic inflammation, and heart disease.

The Cost of Loneliness for Businesses

If employees are feeling lonely, isolated, or disconnected from others at work, there are serious consequences for their health—and for the entire company's prosperity.

Learn how to create a successful workplace wellness program from the ground up >>

Loneliness impacts an employee's overall satisfaction in work, and increases the risk of health issues

Unhappy employees often show increased absenteeism and decreased focus and engagement. They may also be more prone to developing chronic and serious illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. 

The ramifications for employers are significant. First, overall productivity often drops when employees are not cohesive and supportive of one another. Second, healthcare costs, including those for pricey prescription and biologic drugs, will skyrocket if stressed employees develop major illnesses.

The workplace is an ideal venue for social interaction. Coworkers see one another almost daily and real friendships can develop. Here are four simple actions you can take to encourage social interaction at work and boost employees’ health.


5 Ways to Prevent Isolation and Encourage Workplace Socializing


1. Discourage desk eating

A recent Dalhousie University survey found that almost 40% of Canadians eat lunch at their desks while simultaneously working. For many, eating through lunch is the only way to get everything done.

But eating in separate offices or cubicles can be isolating and prevent coworkers from getting to know one another. Also, research shows that people are more productive if they take breaks, rather than plowing through their work nonstop.

To reduce lunchtime isolation, employers can schedule set lunch hours and encourage employees not to eat at their desks.

Whether employees go out for lunch, or eat in the company lunch room, they’ll have a chance to disengage from work and bond with others. They’ll return refreshed, less stressed, and more productive.


2. Offer a fun and interactive workplace wellness program

Research from Brigham Young University showed loneliness and social isolation are as deadly as obesity, smoking, and lack of physical activity. A workplace wellness program is one of the best ways to improve physical health, and can address a variety of these risk factors in an accessible way

Most wellness programs are team-based, which spurs an inclusive, united vibe. Sticking to challenging health goals is easier if done with others. In fact, health habits are also often contagious. So, employees who commit to a wellness program as a group are more likely to lose weight, quit smoking, and exercise regularly.


Work together to foster a collaborative environment that increases employee productivity


Further, by participating in the program together, employees share their life stories and ups and downs. This mutual experience strengthens their connection with one another.

Employers can offer workshops on health topics, one-to-one consultations, or yoga classes. Other options include forming sports teams or organizing walking groups. The possibilities are endless!


3. Organize after-work social events to look forward to

Often, people want to get to know their colleagues, but can't get around to it during work hours. Employers can step in and plan voluntary group activities. For example, consider organizing monthly gatherings for drinks or dinner after work—or hold informal catered events on site. Ask employees about their hobbies and organize relevant groups, such as book clubs, knitting circles, or card games.


4. Work together to foster a collaborative environment

Many businesses instigate competition among employees, assuming that rivalries will produce better results. But a collaborative approach is actually much more effective. 

If employees don’t trust their own colleagues, they will undermine one another—in-fighting, backstabbing, and withholding of new ideas. Ultimately such behaviour only undermines their own performance and health. Regarding teammates as unpredictable rivals produces an atmosphere of isolation and stress.

In contrast, collaboration promotes trust and a sense of purpose and belonging, which ultimately reduces stress and stress related health issues..

Bonus: a collaborative environment increases creativity, problem-solving, and sharing of ideas and resources.


5. Develop a support plan for remote employees  

Operating in a post-pandemic workforce, remote work is here to stay. According to Gitlab, 37% of remote workers don’t feel connected to their peers as of 2021. Loneliness and isolation are known to be responsible for 21% of workplace productivity, and are a huge risk factor for fully remote workers. Implementing activities such as virtual happy hours, or remote mental health support plans can build a strong support system for remote staff and foster an inclusive virtual working environment.


Key Takeaways

Don't underestimate the importance of social relationships in the workplace. Help mitigate the risk of isolation by encouraging social interaction and building a strong company culture

Schedule communal lunch breaks to give employees a chance to unplug from their work, eat, and socialize together. Organize after-work events to help foster deeper connections and friendships. Research the benefits of a workplace wellness program, and consider adding one to your employee benefits offering. Finally, emphasize the importance of collaboration over competition.

By creating a convivial work environment, you will boost employees' happiness, engagement, and ultimately heart health. Healthy employees are one of the most important keys to a thriving business.

Learn how to create a successful workplace wellness program from the ground up >>

Employee Wellness 201: How to Build a Wellness Program

Discover how you can create a successful workplace wellness program from the ground up.
