Montridge Advisory Group Ltd.

Helping Your Younger Staff Thrive: Strategies for Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace

Written by Damien Lacey | May 16, 2023 5:00:00 PM

As HR managers and decision-makers, it's important that you recognize mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being for all of your employees but especially those in their 20s and 30s. Navigating the pressures of the early stages of a career, financial instability, and personal relationships can all contribute to increased stress and anxiety, and you as an employer have a vital role to play to support them through this. 

In this blog, we will explore some of the challenges faced by young employees in the context of mental health and discuss how you can help to create a supportive work environment for your people.


Encourage Work-Life Balance

For young employees, finding a balance between their work and personal life is a major source of stress. Since many of them are just starting out in their careers, they often work long hours and take on additional responsibilities to establish themselves. 


You can assist in reducing this stress by promoting work-life balance. This can entail providing options like flexible work schedules, remote work, and paid time off. The pressure to succeed at work while also maintaining a satisfying personal life can cause burnout and other mental health problems, especially for those in their 20s. Show your commitment to your employees' well-being by making work-life balance a priority.


Provide Mental Health Resources


Young people may not have developed techniques to help prevent the build up of stress and anxiety. Access to mental health professionals, counselling services, and support groups can prove valuable for these employees. Also, providing educational resources or access to training programs that teach stress prevention methods lead to improved happiness and productivity, as well as short circuiting  presenteeism and absenteeism. 

Ensure that mental health resources are readily available and easily accessible to your employees. Achieve this by providing information about such resources during the onboarding process, making them accessible on your company's intranet, and offering confidential access to mental health professionals. By offering these resources, you can bolster the welfare of your employees and establish a supportive work environment.


Foster a Supportive Work Environment

Promote open communication and encourage staff to share their mental health concerns. You must work to eliminate the stigma attached to mental health problems and make arrangements for employees who require them. These accommodations may include adjusting workloads, providing quiet spaces for relaxation, and offering health and wellness days in addition to regular vacation.

Establish a supportive work environment by providing opportunities for employee feedback and engagement. Encouraging employee feedback can help all of your employees feel valued and included, leading to increased job satisfaction and decreased stress levels. Also you can arrange team-building activities, social events, and community service projects to foster a sense of community and support among employees. By fostering a supportive work environment, you can promote good mental health among their employees and enhance their overall well-being.



Offer Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

As an organization, you can effectively support the mental health of their young employees by providing Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs). EAPs offer confidential counselling services to employees struggling with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, or substance abuse. Additionally, EAPs may provide referrals to mental health professionals and other community resources, as well as educational resources and training for employees.


To ensure that employees are aware of the availability of EAPs and how to access them, you should provide information about EAPs during onboarding, include EAP information in employee handbooks, and regularly promote EAPs through company communications. By offering EAPs, you can assist their employees in getting the support they need to maintain good mental health and address any mental health concerns that may arise.



In summary, as an employer, HR manager or decision maker, mental health is an essential consideration for employers who want to support the well-being of their young employees. You have to consider taking a proactive approach to mental health by cultivating a work environment that fosters open communication, empathy, and support. In doing so you reap a multitude of benefits not just for the individuals themselves but your overall bottom line.

If you have any questions regarding this topic or anything mentioned throughout this blog, contact us today online or by phone at 604-682-1603.