Melissa Montoril
Melissa is an employee benefits specialist with over ten years of experience in group insurance.
Have you ever fantasized about telling your boss exactly what you think and storming out the door with a triumphant exit? You're not alone. The act of quitting with flair, known as "loud quitting," has been making waves lately. Discussions surrounding loud quitting have become one of the hottest HR trends, with good reason—it's a topic that both employees and companies can't ignore.
Step into the Louder-than-Ever Quitting Trend
Loud quitting is not a new phenomenon, although it has gained momentum recently due to viral TikTok videos that have captured the attention of the masses. This time, it has resonated not just with work-life-balance-focused Gen Z, but also with people far beyond that generation. It is not surprising that the discussion about different types of quitting is among the hottest HR trends at the moment. This is because many employees can relate, and companies must take it seriously.
When an employee quits by openly expressing their negative feelings towards an employer or organization, it is known as loud quitting. This behaviour actively undermines an organization's goals and leaders.
Almost 65 per cent of Canadian workers dream about quitting their jobs with an aggressive resignation letter. It can get more bitter than a furious notice. They may decide to share their resignation publicly online to gain attention.
People who are discontent with their jobs may become loud quitters without even leaving the company. They may engage in disagreements with coworkers, speak out against their job, or disobey orders. In more extreme cases, they may share harmful social media posts about the employer, send inappropriate emails to the whole company, or even damage intellectual or physical property.
While this behaviour heavily impacts employees’ careers it has an even greater impact on employers who continue to feel the ongoing effects long after they happen.
- It promotes a toxic work culture among other colleagues
- It depreciates company’s employer branding efforts and might hinder recruitment
- It can seriously harm company’s reputation
The Early Signs of Disconnect
"I planned a vacation to the Bahamas that I didn't tell work about. Right before I boarded my flight, I texted my boss that I wouldn't be coming back. Then I turned off my phone for the entire trip." — Anonymous
This and other 26 dramatic stories about quitting a job in the Business Insider article are entertaining and show us the results of frustration, anger, or a desire to make a statement.
Loud quitting is typically the result of a major issue that has been building up over time. This could be anything from a toxic work environment to a lack of career advancement opportunities. When employees feel like their needs and concerns are not being heard, they may resort to loud quitting as a way to force change.
But before that comes quiet quitting. It is often the result of smaller, more insidious issues. Employees may feel like their work is not meaningful or that they are not being given opportunities to express their talents. They may also feel like their employer is not keeping up with inflation, leading to financial frustration. These issues may not be enough to cause a dramatic exit, but they can slowly erode an employee's engagement and motivation.
Wondering how many of your employees are quiet quitting right now? Learn to spot the telltale signs of dissatisfaction within your organization.:
- They're often running late.
- They don’t communicate enough with their coworkers.
- They're not collaborating with others on the team.
- They don’t attend company gatherings and team events.
- They're not really into brainstorming.
- They never speak up or have any improvement suggestions.
- They take a lot of breaks or just don't show up.
- They just do what they are told and never anything more.
These are very modest signs of dissatisfaction and do not necessarily indicate dissatisfaction on their own. Occasional manifestation of these signs can simply mean that people have a high workload, personal struggles, or mental health issues.
However, if you notice a person regularly repeating multiple of these behaviours, they may be quiet quitters and could take the next step.
Rebuilding Bridges: The Path to Employee Loyalty
The good news is that it is not an irreversible journey to the point of no return. Organizations can use the power of empathy, transparency, and communication to regain employee loyalty.
Management tactics and morale have a significant impact on a company's performance and culture. Leaders who possess empathy and people skills are better equipped to build fit teams and prevent employee discontent. Recognizing and accommodating diverse personalities and work styles is essential for unlocking employees' full potential and enriching their work with meaning.
Open communication and established feedback processes are the most effective ways to prevent the issues described in this article. A survey by payroll provider, ADP, found employees that meet with their supervisor once per week are 53% more likely to stay with their current company versus 34% who only receive feedback once per year. For business owners and HR managers, identifying the problem is the first step in solving it, and active listening is an effective practice.
All conflicts, no matter how big or small, must be addressed and resolved. Ignoring issues and employees' complaints only leads to further dissatisfaction. Addressing them will build a comfortable, supportive, and healthy environment.
Fairness is central for employee satisfaction. A culture of respect and fulfillment depends on equitable compensation. Inflation is eating up salaries, and every time inflation rates increase, salaries should be adjusted accordingly. If companies fail to offer fair compensation, we see more and more headlines of brands clashing with their workforce over wages. There are lessons to learn from the big brands, who are willing to find compromises, such as UPS or escalate confrontations, such as Metro.
Compromising on salaries can include offering teams the opportunity to choose their working hours and location, flexible benefits packages, a few extra PTO days, and mental health support. These all will reduce employee dissatisfaction. However, be careful when adding personalized perks. Employees may perceive them as unfair if they are not assigned equally and follow subjective instead of objective criteria.
As our exploration of the phenomenon of "loud quitting" comes to an end, it is clear that this is not merely a passing trend. It is a manifestation of deeper issues that require attention. By identifying the early signs of dissatisfaction and taking action to address them, companies can prevent the escalation of "loud quitting." Ultimately, promoting a culture of open communication, empathy, and fairness not only prevents rebellious departures, but also fosters an environment of loyalty and collaboration, where employees and organizations can thrive together.