Montridge Advisory Group Ltd.

Low-Cost Perks for a Happier Summer Workplace

Written by Doug Birks | Jul 17, 2023 5:00:00 PM

Summer is often associated with fun in the sun, but for many employees, it can bring its fair share of stress and exhaustion. The juggling act of work, socializing, and family obligations can take a toll on their well-being.

Moreover, there's often a rush to accomplish a lot before the start of the school year. As an HR professional, it's crucial to navigate the organization's needs and find affordable and effective ways to improve employee happiness and fulfillment during these summer months. It’s even more essential to know how to advocate for these perks within your organization. In this blog, we will explore some low-cost perks that your company can offer to create a happier and more engaged workforce. 

Recognize the Challenges the Summer Brings

Start by understanding the unique challenges the summer brings to employees and the potential impact these challenges can have on their well-being and work performance. 

  • Gather data through surveys and conversations regarding the challenges employees are facing during the summer. Use this information to gain insights into their struggles, time demands, and energy constraints. Analyze the feedback to identify challenges and recurring issues. 
  • Recognize external factors that impact employees during the summer, such as family obligations, childcare arrangements, vacation planning, and social events. Understand that these factors can create additional demands on their time and energy, potentially affecting their well-being and work performance.
  • Assess whether workloads and project deadlines align with the increased demands of the summer season. Determine if adjustments can be made to accommodate employees' time constraints and ensure they are not overwhelmed. Seek a balance that allows employees to manage their personal and professional commitments effectively.

Explore Perks and Solutions for Your Team

To combat what your employees are feeling - see what you currently have to offer, and make sure that the perks that already exist are clearly communicated.

Sometimes people just forget what your organization is already offering. Then think of alternative ideas that align with your corporate culture and employee needs. 

Consider providing flexible work arrangements, efficient task management tools, access to employee assistance programs (EAPs), or guidance on work-life balance strategies. Raise awareness about these resources and encourage employees to utilize them as needed. Furthermore, think of enjoyable perks that can bring joy to the team during the stressful summer months!


Flexible Work Arrangements

Flexible work hours or remote work options can alleviate the pressure of balancing personal and professional commitments during the summer. Allowing employees to adjust their schedules or work from home on certain days can provide the freedom and flexibility they need to enjoy the season while still meeting their work responsibilities.


Flexible summer hours

Employees love having more time! Give them the freedom to enjoy their summer by offering flexible work hours. One popular idea is to let them work an extra hour each day so they can have every other Friday off. It's a win-win—employees get longer weekends to relax and make the most of the sunny weather while still getting the job done.


Extended long weekends

From an employer's perspective, providing extended long weekends during the summer months can be a great idea. Give your employees an extra day off to enjoy outdoor activities, go on vacations, or simply recharge is a surefire way to keep them motivated and satisfied. With longer weekends, our team can return to work refreshed and energized, leading to increased productivity and creativity. It's a small investment that yields significant returns in terms of employee satisfaction and overall workplace positivity.


Encouraging flexibility for employees.

If your employees have a day without jam-packed meetings and anticipate uninterrupted work time, encourage them to take their laptops and head to a nearby coffee shop. They can work from a sunny patio, enjoying the summer weather while treating themselves to a refreshing iced coffee. It's a win-win situation where they can stay productive while taking a break from their home office. This suggestion allows them to embrace the summer spirit, soak up some vitamin D, and enjoy a change of scenery. 


Encouraging employees to take their PTO/vacation time and prioritize rest and relaxation during the summer months is essential. It allows them to recharge, reduce burnout, and return to work with renewed energy and productivity. Some companies are even adopting unlimited vacations as a way of investing in their employees and their wellness. However, in addition to promoting vacations, HR professionals can research and identify inexpensive perks that can positively impact employees' summer experiences. Here are some ideas to consider:


Casual Dress Days:

Implementing casual dress days, especially on Fridays, can create a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere in the office. Dressing down can help employees beat the summer heat and foster a more casual and enjoyable work environment.


Celebrate Summer

Organize team-building activities that embrace the spirit of summer. These can include outdoor picnics, team sports events, or volunteering for a local community project. Such activities strengthen team bonds, and add a sense of fun and relaxation into the workplace.

Wellness Initiatives

Organize yoga or meditation sessions during lunch breaks, share healthy summer recipes, or promote physical activities like walking or cycling challenges. Encourage employees to take breaks and engage in activities that promote their mental and physical health.

Employee Appreciation Days

Celebrate and appreciate your employees' hard work by providing ice cream, or drinks, hosting a small awards ceremony, or giving out personalized thank-you notes. These gestures go a long way in making employees feel valued and recognized for their contributions.

Summer Reading Clubs

Launch a summer reading program or book club within the company. Choose a book related to personal or professional growth and encourage employees to read and discuss it together. This initiative promotes a culture of learning, sparks intellectual conversations, and provides a shared experience that can strengthen team connections.

Here is a list of books and podcasts that we highly recommend


Strategies for Success: Maximizing Low-Budget Perks for Employee 

Gather Feedback

As mentioned, gather feedback from employees to understand their preferences and ideas for low-budget perks. Use this feedback to tailor the perks to their specific needs and interests.  The more the perks resonate with employees, the more effective they will be. 

Showcase the Long-Term Benefits

Small investments in employee perks can yield significant long-term benefits. Illustrate to stakeholders how happier and more efficient employees lead to increased productivity, improved customer satisfaction, higher-quality work, and positive company culture. Support your case with data from employee surveys, research on the impact of perks, and internal metrics to emphasize the positive outcomes and cost-effectiveness.

Leverage Existing Resources

Make the most of what you already have! Don't forget to leverage the existing resources and plans in place. Think creatively and outside the box to offer low-cost perks. For instance, if you have available space, organize lunchtime learning sessions where employees can share their expertise or invite guest speakers to provide valuable insights. By using these existing resources and amenities, you can help your employees without breaking the bank. 

Collaborate with Managers and Team Leaders

Engage managers and team leaders in the process to gain their support and help implement the low-budget perks. Ensure they understand the benefits of these initiatives and how they can positively impact their teams. Encourage managers to recognize and appreciate employees' efforts through informal acknowledgments or small rewards.

Monitor and Evaluate

Continuously monitor and evaluate the impact of the implemented low-budget perks. Collect feedback from employees to assess their satisfaction and engagement levels. Use this data to make any necessary adjustments and to reinforce the value of these initiatives.


As an HR professional, your ultimate goal is to prioritize employee happiness and fulfillment while navigating budget constraints. By thoroughly understanding the challenges employees face and thinking innovatively, you can identify creative solutions that strike a balance between productivity and employee well-being. Securing buy-in from key stakeholders is crucial for successfully implementing these solutions. By tailoring these initiatives to your employees' preferences and needs, you can create a workplace culture that fosters both productivity and happiness. Remember, the journey to creating a thriving work environment is an ongoing process that requires continuous adaptation and improvement.